Get the unfair advantage : an investing strategy for the fairer sex (and you can still afford to buy shoes while doing this!)

Anyone can buy an investment property, after all, they are readily available to research and buy on the net….unless

you want countless tracking around open homes in the weekends,…but who really has the time, and after all, it seems to be a mans world out there.

However, the true investor who is successful in property investing, and is able to reach their goal with property investing, rather than become just another investor that holds property for a few years only to find that they have had to alter their lifestyle significantly to hold onto just the one or two properties, does things differently……and therefore get a different, better result.

It all starts with the right strategy…..and the right guidance.



Dear fellow investors


The fact that you are reading this tells me that you are ready to take the first step towards a truly rewarding property investing journey, investing that can happen in the background, so that you don’t have to change your lifestyle……after all, it is important to go out shopping for shoes, something the men in our lives don’t necessarily understand.

And it is a man’s world out there, with most agents preferring to deal with the bloke, and sell to the girl!


Well batter up girls, it is about to change!


I have been investing in property for some 23 years. Some properties I have bought with the input of my wonderful hubby, others where I have bought all on my own accord. I have had mistakes and wins all along the way, fortunately now, the mistakes are fairly rare, as I have , over the years, been able to educate myself on the finer points of property
investing, and that’s your advantage when dealing with me rather than any other buyers agent or property educator  out there….I am active personally in the investment property market right now, so the experience you will be leveraging
off is current experience, not what used to work 10 years ago.

Starting right from the initial stages where I help you plan towards a tangible goal, down to setting up your loans the correct way, so that it is more geared towards what you want to achieve rather than what the bank wants to give you, right down to actually helping you locate a suitable property through my substantial contacts , it is an easy journey where I hold your hand through the daunting and rough patches.

It’s not about how many properties you can buy, purely for brag rights, but how the property or properties can get you to your goal and relax, the rent will cover most if not all of your mortgage payments, so you can still buy shoes as you used to 🙂


So what’s the next step?


Pretty simple, just drop me an email, with a contact phone number, and I will contact you shortly. We can meet up over coffee, and I will show you how easy and uncomplicated this investing business really is.

I know, you are probably wondering why there isn’t a phone number for you to call….part of what you will learn is that investing doesn’t take much time, just expertise. I invest in property, and mentor women to invest in
property as well, whilst being a full time mum. So, if I can do it, so can you, even if you are holding down a full time job, family life and everything else thrown in. It is easy!


I look forward to meeting up with you soon.


Reshmi Kumar
Investor Women

About the Author

Reshmi Kumar is a successful property investor with multiple investment properties. She is also the Director of Investor Women. She is passionate about helping women achieve financial success and as a mentor has helped many women achieve their financial goals using property as a tool.

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Thanks for dropping by. It is my pleasure to share with you my story and what I  have learnt in my 20 year journey of investing in property. Hoping to impart my knowlegde and inspire you to take action.  Please provide your details so I can email you the ebook.  Rest assured I don’t spam 🙂
Reshmi Kumar 
Investor Women & Right Property Group
Founder of Right on Track – property investing education

    Supercharge your Property Portfolio

    Remember to grab your copy of Supercharge your Property Portfolio - recommended by Money Magazine as a MUST READ


    As a first time investor, I was very scared and nervous at the same time.  It all changed when I met Reshmi.  Her knowledge and experience put my mind to ease.  She has guided me all the way through from finding me this great property and during the construction of my granny flat as well.  I wouldnt have been able to do this without her guidance. 

    ​Alex B

    I have been using the services of investor women for the past 6 years and am pleased to say that the experience has been wonderful.  I have built quite a decent sized portfolio and am really looking forward to quitting my day job to pursue my dreams.  Good to know there are women out there to give you all the support you need.


    Danielle C

     We have been wanting to invest for the past 6 years and kept putting it off.  We both were too nervous, too many questions, didn’t know how to get started and kept putting it off till one day I met Reshmi.  Bought our first property a few months ago and now onto our second one.  So glad to have her as our mentor.


    ​Kirsty & Mark H